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Find the best solar companies in Products!

Which solar company should I choose?

The best solar companies meet the following criteria:



Less than 50 staff

Has an office near you

Been in business longer than 5 years

Employs their own installation crews

Uses Tier 1 solar panels

Uses inverters from Enphase, SolarEdge, SMA or Fronius

The reviews scores for the largest solar companies are far worse than those for local, family-owned solar installation companies.

The solar industry is full of fly-by-night solar companies — both big and small — that open one year and are gone the next.

Solar panels last for 25-30 years, so you want an installer who will help you with any problems or system faults. For this to happen, your installer needs to be able to stay in business

Local solar companies, as a group, have the highest reviews score on our site and also have lower overheads than corporate installers, making them more likely to survive in the long term.

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This Website is an advertising marketplace for individuals and companies who are seeking consumer referrals for solar products. We are not a solar provider, manufacturer, or installer. The information provided by you to us will be sent to a licensed solar manufacturer or installer in your area. We do not endorse, warrant, or guarantee any service or products of any individual or company you choose to install your solar system. While any information shared with you is believed to be accurate and reliable, the owners/operators of this Website specifically disclaim all warranties, express, implied or statutory, regarding the accuracy, timeliness, and/or completeness of the information provided. The content of any information or service contained thereon (the “Content”) are provided on an "as is" basis. Federal and State tax credits are not available in all locations and not available to all individuals.